Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best products for oily and acne prone skins

« ...Acne is caused by bacteria in the skin. If you're suffering from pimples and spots, then any antibacterial soap will keep your skin clean and free from bacteria. If your poor skin continues after using an antibacterial face wash then there is another cause to your skin problem....
...Every person who is experiencing acne breakouts, serious or not, should receive medical prescription from doctors that might help cures their skin form. Some of these medications might be topical or else those that are functional on top of the skin, few others are drugs that are consumed orally. Below you can see a list of the best acne treatments that you can select for your type of skin....»
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«...One treatment that tends to be effective for acne has to do with the destruction of bacteria and it had been discovered that an acne light treatment has the capability of producing fast results in breaking up the bacteria which is the cause of acne....»
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tags: acne,pimples and boils, food that causes acne, at home tips to make acne disappear

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