Sunday, September 28, 2008

Acidophilis enzyme peel for acne scars

« ...Do not pick at the white heads and blackheads on your face as this will only lead to infecting them further and make more pimples and eruptions appear on your face. Keep your hands clean and washed as dirty hands will infect the existing pimples on your face. Being careful will definitely help in healing the acne but the results will be slow and should be persevered patiently until the skin clears up. Anyway preventing acne is a better way to combat this problem than just waiting for a perfect acne cure....
...Cleanse the skin with a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid cleanser, apply an alphy hydroxy, and then use a toner. Then use an acne fighting medication to the skin along with a moisturizer. To dry out a pimple overnight, try using toothpaste (not gel) directly on the zit. This should help dry it out overnight. A great face mask is to use the white part of an egg and apply it to your face for about 15 minutes. The vitamin A in the whites is also good for your skin. The egg white is also a great overnight remedy, but just use a Q-tip to dab on the egg-white directly to the pimple....»
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«...The third thing you need to know is hot water can actually cause your skin to dry out. Yes thats right, hot water can dry your skin out leading to future out breaks. I know hot water opens your pores, but its not worth it to me. I only put luke warm or cold water on my face now. I hope this article has helped you, you can actually check out my site below in the bio box for the ultimate guide to pimples and zits. I wish you luck in your quest for clear skin!...»
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tags: how to treat acne on my back, hair loss, fatigue,dry skin,poor memory, acne, acne scar fraxel laser treatment cost

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